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Dungeons And Dragons Homebrew Classes

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by belpudeli1984 2020. 1. 22. 21:47


Dungeons And Dragons Homebrew Classes
  1. Dungeons And Dragons 3.5 Homebrew Classes

What is?A place to discuss the latest version of Dungeons & Dragons, the fifth edition, known during the playtest as D&D Next.Rules.Be civil to one another - Unacceptable behavior includes name calling, taunting, baiting, flaming, etc. The intent is for everyone to act as civil adults.Respect the opinions of others - Each table is unique; just because someone plays differently to you it does not make them wrong. You don't have to agree with them, but you also don't have to argue or harass them about it.Do not suggest piracy - Any links/tools/documents/etc.

Explore Kevin Rodgers's board 'D&D 5E Homebrew Classes and Races', followed by 644 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Dnd classes, Dnd 5e homebrew and Dragon rpg.

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I'm going to start DMing a campaign for my friends. Its going to be a 5e classic fantasy setting much like the setting of the standard published campaigns.I'd like to potentially add a few extra races, classes and/or additional archetypes as options for my players (or use as npcs), but I'm only interested in ones which are suitably balanced to use alongside the official classes, such as the Gunslinger fighter archetype designed by Matthew Mercer for Critical Role.So I'd appreciate it if people can suggest some of the best homebrew races/classes/archetypes that they've had experience with. I don't mind if I have to pay for them from say DMsguild.com or the likes. What are you finding unbalanced? I have a Dwarf Engineer gunslinger in my group and we're finding it pretty good- certainly comparable to a fighter taking the Archery route over melee.The guns balance in that they need reloading, so a player misses every fifth attack with a 4 shot gun. If a combat is only 1-2 rounds they don't get that, so suitably levelled encounters are important, but that's always been the case, regardless of class.:)The big thing for me is not introducing the 'higher' guns too early.

A Scattergun (shotgun) decimates goblins like a scythe. Yeah, it never seems like a resource to be hoarded, given you get it back on Crits, kills and rests.Both players I've had playing it had +2 wisdom modifier, so it wasn't a huge issue in my games.I did have a house rule in here I've used so long I forgot it's not canon, in grit can't go above the starting figure, but it's not been a huge impact.It's possible to easily abuse mixing with champions who can crit on lower rolls.You could drop the grit replenishing rules in favour of a similar process to superiority dice- you get four, plus more at 5th, 7th etc. I must also disagree, as a human gunslinger in 5e the class is working beautifully with our level 7 party! Short of action surge, I don't do the major burst of our other main damage dealers- paladin, wizard, rogue, warlock, but I can pretty consistently keep up an average of about 20 dmg per turn. (1d10+5)x2 Archer, 20 dex, pepperbox) -40 if I action surge and I reload on every third turn. It's a godsend when our casters are out of spells, and the fact that I've got decent ac to boot really helps.I suppose I should mention I have one level in monk for story reasons, but I rarely miss with dead eye and that consistency has saved us more often than not.

Dungeons And Dragons 3.5 Homebrew Classes

At least at this level the only difference if I was a regular fighter is that id have a 1d8 longbow over the 1d10 pepperbox.The ammo cost for gunslinger has been the biggest drawback for our party, there are very few so I have to take time to make my own guns and we're going with every bullet costs a dang gold. But to be honest the class is hecka fun, I love playing it and my party loves having a crafty fighter. I can't wait for those trick shots though.

Dungeons And Dragons Homebrew Classes