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Echo360 Alp Personal Capture Recording Guide For Mac

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by belpudeli1984 2020. 1. 27. 00:40


Echo360 Alp Personal Capture Recording Guide For Mac
  1. Echo360 Alp Personal Capture Recording Guide For Mac Download

Echo ALP Personal Capture (Mac) Part 1: Installing Echo 360 and Recording a Video. Right click the Echo 360 icon in the. When you are finished, click Stop Capture. The Edit Recording window will open automatically; Play the recording back to make sure your audio and video is being captured. Recording using Personal Capture (PCAP) on Echo360 Active Learning Platform (ALP) PCAP can capture audio and video as well as what is being displayed on the computer screen. It provides you with the flexibility to capture recordings within your own time and incorporate extra content or resources with the recording.


. for technical information and some pedagogical advice on managing your units. for telephone or email-based LEO technical support. for help with Lecture Capture (Echo 360) and desktop software (such as Excel or Photoshop). for regular interactive webinars on a range of technology enhanced learning topics. The recordings of previous webinars can also be accessed from this link. for information on a series of face-to-face workshops before the start of semester one.

or email directly to request a workshop for five or more participants. or the for learning and teaching help that is not directly technology related (such as assessment, curriculum, evaluation or awards). Echo 360 Active Learning Platform Echo 360 Active Learning Platform (also known as Echo 360 ALP) is ACU's lecture capture system. At its most basic, Echo 360 ALP provides fully automated lecure capture services, allowing your students to stream 'just-in-time' recordings of your lectures from anywhere with an internet connection.

Lecturers are both able to download and view their lecture recordings from the Active Learning Platform. There are three different kinds of recordings you can make using the Echo 360 Active Learning Platform: scheduled lecture recordings, and personal capture recordings which you can make from your desktop using software installed on your computer. Echo 360 Active Learning Platform also has additional functionalities above basic lecture capture. Your lecture recordings do not have to be static recorded material, you are also able to add interactive elements. For example the Active Learning Platform will also allow academics to:. Add questions and/or polls to your lecture materials, which your students can respond to in real-time (during the lecture) using their own mobile devices and ACU wifi, or while viewing the recording.

Echo360 Alp Personal Capture Recording Guide For Mac

Field questions from your students, which students can submit either anonymously or using their name. View analytics data which can tell them:. which slides students viewed, written notes on, or flagged as confusing. which students have viewed lecture materials or engaged with activities during the lecture (and more importantly, which have not!). There is no need to engage with the additional functionality of the Echo 360 Active Learning Platform if you do not want to. At minimum it is important to be aware that all lectures are being recorded across all campuses at ACU as of January 2017, and that this process is automated.

Please note: functionalities other than lecture capture are not being supported until second semester 2017. Echo360 ALP is compatible with Job Access with Speech (JAWS) screen reader, and helps low-vision students to access content. Watch the short video below to learn more about Echo 360 Active Learning Platform. Note: You are also able to make use of Echo 360 Personal Capture in order to record videos at your desktop for your students to view prior to face-to-face class time, in a method known as Blended Learning. Allowing your students to enngage with lecture materials outside of class time will allow you to get the maximum benefit from in-class time. To learn more about Blended Learning please visit the ACU ' resources. Complementary to our Echo 360 ALP Lecture capture software, academics also have access to the Echo 360 ALP Personal Capture software, also known as PCAP.

You are able to have the PCAP software (available for both Mac and PC) installed onto your computer, in order to make recordings from the comfort of your own working space! PCAP also stores your recordings in the cloud, allowing you to access them from anywhere you have internet connectivity. Echo360 Personal Capture software allows you to:. Capture whatever is on your computer screen (PowerPoint slides, websites, Office documents etc). Simultaneously record your screen, audio, and images via your webcam (optional).

Edit recordings from within your browser. Share your recordings across multiple LEO units To have the Echo 360 Active Learning Platform Personal Capture software installed on your computer, please submit a Service Desk request. Telephone: (07) 3623 7272 Email.

You are able to use the Echo 360 Active Learning Platform the purposes of both summative and formative assessment. Using the analytics dashboard you are able to determine points during your lecture that your students are having issues (for example, when they pause the recording, when they are taking notes, and when they are 'flagging' content. Additionally you are able to add polls and quizzes to your lecture in order to gauge your student's understanding of the lecture materials. You can then use this information to improve and inform your learning materials ongoing. Key features of the Echo 360 Active Learning Platform include:.

Cloud-based storage: Your lecture materials are stored and edited live in the cloud. No need to worry about version control! Additionally, if you have shared the one recording across multiple LEO units, changes made will be rolled out automatically across all instances!. Analytics dashoard: Access to real-time data on your recordings. You can see who is watching your recordings, and identify the points at which they are experiencing confusion.

Polling and Quizzes: Using the Echo 360 ALP ribbon you are able to embed Polls and Quizzes directly into your PowerPoint slides. If you don't have the ribbon in your current installation of PowerPoint, contact IT to have it installed on your PC (currently not available on MAC). There are many benefits to the use of Echo 360 Active Learning Platform above other similar lecture capture systems. These include:.

Automated lecture capture: All lectures will be automatically recorded through automated scheduling based on information fed through from Timetabling. Ability to embed interactive elements such as Polls and Quizzes directly into your presentation will give your students a more engaging online learning experience. Additionally, students are able to interact with your content using tablets and devices, no more clickers!.

Echo360 Alp Personal Capture Recording Guide For Mac Download

Ability to use analytics to gain an understanding of how your students are faring, and where they could use additional support. Facilitates direct student-to-student interaction as well as student-to-teacher interaction. Cooke, M., Watson, B., Blacklock, E., Mansah, M., Howard, M., Johnston, A.,. Lecture Capture: First year student nurses' experiences of a web-based lecture technology.

Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing (Online), 29(3), 14-21. Marchand, J., Pearson, M., & Albon, S. Student and Faculty Member Perspectives on Lecture Capture in Pharmacy Education. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 78(4), 74. Owston, Ron, Lupshenyuk, Denys, & Wideman, Herb. Lecture Capture in Large Undergraduate Classes: Student Perceptions and Academic Performance.

Internet and Higher Education, 14(4), 262-268. Roberts, James C. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Lecture Capture: Lessons Learned from an Undergraduate Political Research Class. Journal of Political Science Education, 11(1), 45-60. Sloan, Thomas W., & Lewis, David A.

Lecture Capture Technology and Student Performance in an Operations Management Course. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 12(4), 339-355. (2018) Leading academic video platform brings power of machine learning to the classroom, making video content inclusive and accessible.

Cision PRNewsWire. Retrieved from:. Accessed 17 May 2018.

Echo360 Alp Personal Capture Recording Guide For Mac